A greenhouse gas lets the sun's rays warm the Earth's surface but restricts the heat from escaping into space. Specifically, these gases absorbinfrared radiationfrom the sun in the Earth's atmosphere and release it. Some of the heat released reaches the Earth, along with heat from the sun ...
The definition of a greenhouse gas is at the same time very simple and very complicated for the ordinary man (or woman !) : such a gaz is “just” a gas mixed in the atmosphere thatabsorbs the infrared radiation emitted by the earth’s surface. We are not accustomed to these gases bec...
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they commonly turn to the idea of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions by buying into a carbon offset, like the planting of trees. Carbon offsets are a credit that an organization can buy into to decrease its carbon footprint. When the number of carbon offset credits obtained is equal to the...
What are greenhouse gas emissions? The release of certain gases into the Earth’s atmosphere can create a “greenhouse effect”, in which heat becomes trapped and global temperatures rise. While emissions can result from natural causes, they are primarily the result of human activities, especially...
Water vapour is the most abundant greenhouse gas. It increases as the earth's atmosphere warms but unlike CO2, which can remain in the earth’s atmosphere for centuries, water vapour persists for only a few days. Natural and man-made GHGs ...
1 C What is the single most effective way to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions?Go vegetarian? Replant the Amazon? Cycle to work? None of the above. The answer is: make air-conditioners (空调)much better. On one calculation, replacing refrigerants(制冷剂)that damage the atmosphere would reduce...
What is the definition of greenhouse gases? What is a synthetic greenhouse gas? What are examples of greenhouse gases? Who discovered the greenhouse effect? What is global warming? What is the most significant anthropogenic greenhouse gas?
Environmental sustainability:Green energy sources are clean and do not contribute to air pollution or climate change. By reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, we can help mitigate the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Energy independence:By embracing green energy, countries can reduce the...
Achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across HP value chain by 2040, beginning with Supplies business achieving carbon neutrality by 2030 Reduce HP value chain GHG emissions 50% by 2030 Reach carbon neutrality and zero waste in HP operations by 2025 ...