A petabyte, which is made up of 1024 terabytes, is a greater data unit than a terabyte. It has a storage capacity of about 1 quadrillion bytes. The majority of the time, petabytes are used to refer to enormous collections of audio, video, or other media assets. Closing I hope this sho...
A kilobyte (KB or Kbyte) is a unit of measurement for computer memory or data storage. Originally, abytewas considered a collection of 8bits, the smallest number of bits that were able to express a number, letter or character within binary. A kilobyte is approximately 1,000 bytes (specifica...
Internet speed is almost always in bits, while bytes are the unit to measure memory requirements. There are also subtle differences in the abbreviations. Mb refers to megabits, while MB (both letters capitalized) is for megabytes. The same applies to kilobits (Kb) and kilobytes (KB). These ...
Disk capacity is displayed in MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), or TB (terabytes). All types of media capable of storing information have a disk capacity, including a CD (Compact Disc), DVD (Digital Versatile Disc), floppy disk, hard drive, memory stick/card, and USB (Universal Serial ...
This could force you to pay data overcharges or cause your ISP to throttle – or slow – your speeds. Streaming one minute of standard-definition video uses 11.7 MB, high-definition video uses 41.7 MB, and 4K ultra HD video devours 97.5 MB, which is the equivalent of sending nearly 5,...
grep "KernelPageSize: 2048 kB" /proc/[[:digit:]]*/smaps | awk {'print $1'} | cut -d "/" -f3 | sort | uniq [Step2]Use the following command to calculate the size of the hugepage used by a specified process, assumption that HugePage size is 2048 kB, the output unit is MiB...
Test failover is a new feature that allows you to temporarily mount a snapshot of the replicated storage on a destination server for testing or backup purposes. For more information, seeFrequently asked questions about Storage Replica. Storage Replica log performance improvements, such as improved ...
Nameserver is a server that handles queries regarding the location of a domain name’s various services such as website, emails and so on. It is also a part of the Domain Name System (DNS) which maintains a directory of domain names and translate them to IP addresses. This means that ...
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can pass through a particular connection in a set amount of time. It can differ depending on what type of connection your computer has to the internet. The greater the bandwidth of the connection, the faster a web page loads on your screen. Faster band...
What is the “502 Bad Gateway” Error? The “Bad Gateway 502” error indicates that one server, acting as a proxy or remote server, fails to establish a connection to an upstream server. Usually, when you open a webpage, your browser sends an HTTP request to the server of the website...