The datasheet for a microcontroller should have what is referred to as 'Alternate Function Mapping' for each GPIO port of a micontroller. This will tell what alternate function each pin can have in a given GPIO Port. The datasheet for the STM32F407G discovery board is shown at the foll...
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct); *** 2. I am trying to use this TMC2209 library for STM32F4. This library is arduino based but my toolset is STM32CubeIDE. So in the TMC22...
But in latest microcontrollers it is re-programmable, ie. EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory). ROM is used to store the program or instructions which needs to be executed. Input Output Ports (I/Os) Microcontrollers provide multiple general purpose input output (GPIO) ...
analog stereo out and in for the audio slot and I2S for an external DAC or S/P-DIF etc. and some pins for the IO-board. Reply Grimmauld on July 17, 2019 at 2:41 pm I have a question: You say Video resolution between 320*200 and 640*480. Now, this is only half of the ...