that have0 repliesas this makes it easier for them to identify those who have not been helped. If you post another response there will be1 reply. A team member, looking for a new log to work may assume another MR Team member is already assisting you and not open the thread to respond...
This topic is locked 8 replies to this topic #1 CivilAU34 Members 9 posts OFFLINE Local time:08:21 PM Posted 01 July 2010 - 12:56 PM I am having several computer issues; the google redirect virus and evertime my computer reboots, it reverts to Windows NT as the theme. I have...
It says the gmer file is too long to upload, I have uploaded it to filedropper, I hope this is okay? Also, I forgot to previously mention that when I start my computer, It asks to do a disk check on Disk C (NFTS), this started the day of the ...