The Hotel, whilst in a beautiful setting and with lovely views is, as others have written, very "tired". On checking in to our room, The Winston Churchill, the first thing I noticed was the all the furniture was very"tatty", not as in Shabby Chic but as in ...
And throughout the course of these discussions, NPR was not mentioned once – by anyone. In the past, NPR would have been that 800 pound gorilla – perhaps not represented officially, but always the straw that stirred the drink. And yet, NPR’s lack of presence – even in the context o...
president of the Rockhouse & Stem advertising agency in "Where Does A Giant Gorilla Sleep?"' (the answer: "Any- where he likes") has almost forgotten that he is a human being. But not en- tirely; he fears for his reason, as well he might, faced with the problem of mar- keting ...