What is adsense in digital marketing?Digital Marketing:Digital marketing entails promoting a brand through connecting with potential customers on social media and other digital communication platforms. Digital marketing can be used by a business to increase customers....
Google Analytics is the best web analytics tool by Google to understand business insights, measure advertising ROI, analyze website traffic and its users.
Discover how to make money with Google AdSense by monetizing your website, blog or YouTube channel. Display ads and start earning passive income online.
Other than the small label, these search results look almost indistinguishable from other search results. Of course, this is intentional, as lots of users click on these results without realizing that they’re ads. This is what Google counts on. Advertising revenues accounted for more than80% ...
Search engine marketing - Paid marketing campaigns e.g. Google Ads, PPC, etc. It’s crucial to include these SEO elements in your digital marketing strategy to increase visibility for your site and drive traffic. Tip: If you’re an SME looking to improve your SEO, then check out our ‘...
Looking to build a career in Digital marketing? Read the informative blog on Digital Marketing Career now! Pay-per-click Advertising (PPC) PPC drives traffic to a website such that the publisher is paid each time your advertisement is clicked. The most common type of PPC is Google Ads, whe...
Well, Digital Marketing strategies like using emails or ads in specific social media groups can attract a very niche audience. They deliver a tailored message based on their specific interests.Are you looking forward to advertising your company to a mass market, garnering massive appeal and brand...
You pay Google Ads each time your ad is clicked. The price you’re willing to pay for each click is calledcost-per-click (CPC). You can pick a maximum bid amount, and if you choose the automatic option, Google chooses the bid amount for you within your budget, and theoretically brings...
Interactive marketingis a two-way interaction for customers and brands. Brands can engage potential customers in interactive channels, including social media, infographics, email, social media, andlivestreaming. Display advertising Display advertisingfeatures ads with copy, visual elements, and call-to-ac...
These campaigns can segment users based on theirdemographiccharacteristics (such as age or gender), or their particular interests or location. The most widely used services for PPC are Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Content Marketing The goal of content marketing is to reach potential customers throu...