What is good literature As we know, literature is piecesof writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems (in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines, etc.).So what is good literature? Willa Cather said in her essayMiss Jewett“The thing that ...
What is good literatureAs we know, literature is pieces of writing that are valued as works of art, especially novels, plays and poems (in contrast to technical books and newspapers, magazines, etc.). So what is good literature? Willa Cather said in her essay Miss Jewett “The thing that...
Good literature is when it makes you think, and feel. It opens your eyes to something new, or brings vivid images of another time and place to mind. Mostly, however, I'd say good literature is something that endures through time, which is why it is so difficult to classify ...
In my mind, the most important quality of good literature is that it must be meaningful and valuable. We can obtain something special and new from it. If it can not achieve this, at least, it should be interesting or attractive or entertaining. Good literature should exert influence on the...
1、What is literature?,Lecturer: Zhu Kunling 朱坤领 03/2007,What is literature?,We often read literature, but we rarely ask and answer this question. But we must know the major features of literature. Lets see some of its definitions.,Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary (2001...
either before or after steaming did not affect the number of diseased plantsSteamed soil remained susceptible to infection by D. lycopersici for 4 monthsdoi:10.2307/1978863William M. Schutte and Erwin R. SteinbergJournal of Higher Education
He is the editor of The Longman Anthology of World Literature. 原文摘录 ··· ( 全部 ) 148 随着世界文学的围墙的消失,世界文学这座房屋也变得很不稳定,新的问题产生,连房屋的地面都开始塌陷。传统上,西方文学依赖清晰可辨的雅典与耶路撤冷这两大源头。如果没有其他已知的文化出现在他们前,荷马与柏拉图...
Which of the following statements about an educated man in the 18th- 19th centuryis NOT true?A. He was able to use his own language gracefully.B. If he wa interested in literature, he had to learn some knowledge of science and techniques.C. He had read various books.D. He was ...
Exposing oneself to good literary works isequivalent to(等同于) providing one withthe finest of educational opportunites. On the other hand,the lack of exposure to good literature is equal to depriving oneself from the opportunity to grow.Parts of LiteratureProse, poetry, drama, essays, fiction...
这是一种否定句式的表达。不能与整个句子割裂开,全句意思是:在文学中,除了那些真正伟大的作品,没有什么会留下来(这是比较直译的译法,有点儿生硬,主要是为了让你了解意思);更好的译法就是:在文学中,只有那些真正伟大的作品才能够流传于后世 ...