Alphais generally used to measure how much an investment outperformed its benchmark. Fund managers conduct deep research on companies and other assets to try to gain an edge over the rest of the market, all in their effort to generate alpha. Beta, on the other hand, is used to measure an...
The performance presentation is pretty easy to understand in this prospectus. We can see (on the top half of the diagram below) how the fund performed each year. This gives you a good measure of potential volatility too. The bottom half of the figure shows how our shares did compared to ...
Alpha is a historical measure of the stock’s performance, which means that it only shows the past performance of the stock. So, selecting and trading stock solely based on its alpha might not be a good idea. You need to conductfundamental analysisand determine the reasons behind the positive...
*SeekingAlpha*If you want to find great investment ideas with analysis from other investors as well as professionals, SeekingAlpha is a must-have subscription. We use this to identify great retirement investments with safe, high dividends.*Watch These ...
A:ETFs have all fund information available online, so researching different funds is easy and offers investors more control over their portfolios. Q: I want to make my investments automatic. Whats a good option? A: An active mutual fund can be a good option since many firms dont charge a ...
Alpha = 15% - (3% + 1.2 x (12% - 3%)) = 15% - 13.8% = 1.2%. Given a beta of 1.2, the mutual fund is expected to be riskier than the index. As such, it is expected to earn more. A positive alpha in this example shows that the mutual fund manager earned more than enough...
"After a year, [let's say] the investor has paid $1,200 for 90 shares with an average cost of $13.33. So even if the mutual fund ends the year at $15, the investor is up 12.5%." "When market valuations are clearly high, you can occasionally add alpha by delaying contributions."...
the manager's skills are also a contributing factor. A highly trained manager can lead their fund to beat its competitors and their benchmark indexes. This kind of fund manager is known as an active or alpha manager, while those who take a backseat approach are called passive fund managers...
What is Azuki NFT? What is the After Repair Value (ARV) Formula in Real Estate? What Is an Acid Test Ratio? What Are Abnormal Returns? What Is After-Tax Income? What Is Accelerated Vesting? What Does Alpha Mean in Investing? What Is Attrition in Business?
A fund manager is a financial professional or entity responsible for managing the investments of amutual fund, hedge fund, pension fund, or any other type of investment fund. Their primary role is to make strategic decisions about how to invest the fund’s assets in order to achieve the fund...