I’m sorry, Lucario fans, but wait; I promise you he will get his moment. Giratina Giratina is the strongest Pokémon you can catch in the games, the ruler of the dark realm itself. The moves it’s able to learn are beneficial. Giratina is very strong, going into Rayquaza territory ...
So I caught a Rayquaza, I caught two really good Carbinks. One was like 14-15-15 and the other one is 15-14-15. So if you see me in Great League terrorizing, just know it’s me. A couple Lucario, those, got to love those steel fighting types and a bunch of Shieldons...
Following the last topic mega evolution is a mechanic that directly impacts the viability of certain Pokemon and how they face off against the meta. How will this change BW? lets find out!! Mega Evolution Mechanics remain the same from DPP, and keeps the original speed of the mega evolved ...
Lucario: I'm guessing you used to run a Counter-Strike server back in the day. R.O.B: Ready Player One is probably your favorite movie, and also I hate you. Villager: There is a nonzero chance that you are a democratic socialist. Mega Man: Stop going to parties and asking if you...
Specs Latias requires good prediction, and if you make a bad one, she can easily become a liability to your team. Spamming Draco Meteor?? Fine, kill one of my less significant members while I set up SD Lucario, SD Scizor, Agiligross, Empoleon or DD Tyran...
Lucario & Melmetal GX have 260 HP, so they’re perfect for defending against other powerful Pokémon. 21 Malamar EX (Phantom Forces) Download Article Put your enemy to sleep and flip coins for a huge attack. Whenever you attach an Energy card to Malamar EX, your opponent’s active Pok...
The gameplay mechanics of Pokémon resemble a complex version of Rock-Paper-Scissors. Each Pokémon type has other types that it’s both stronger and weaker against. The player’s goal is to create a well-balanced team that can conquer a variety of different challengers. In fact, most Pokémo...
How can almost all the new Pokemon be either too good or too bad? Nostalgia is great but I hope we are more open-minded when Generation V rolls around. Quaily Mar 17, 2010 #383 I didn't notice that at all since heatran, rotom, lucario, and inferna...
This is why Specs Latias and SD Lucario work so well. Just calc Specs Latias' DMs and Jolly Lucario's +2 LO Extremespeed against Tyranitar and Scizor, factoring in SR, to see where I'm going. I think most voters may be missing a cruical point in thei...