predicated on two different concepts marked by the term âworldviewâ, and that only one of the arguments is plausible. The firstâargument assumes that worldviews are theories of the meaning of life and contends that learning in all areas of the curriculum bears ...
worldviewreligionmeaning of lifeconceptual schemereligious educationfaith schoolcollective worshipIn Doing God in education, Trevor Cooling aims to defeat what might be called the marginalising view of the place of religion in education. I am sympathetic to this aim; but I think Cooling conflates ...
For the purposes of the research, a biblical worldview was defined as believing that absolute moral truths exist; that such truth is defined by the Bible; and firm belief in six specific religious views. Those views were that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life; God is the all-powerful and...
It's strange to think that the website of this relatively small religious group has such a wide-reaching localization, but after doing some research into this group's belief system, the breadth and depth of their translation efforts do indeed make sense if you understand their worldview. Do ...
and FOX — the House of Mouse has created a veritable content utopia where there truly is something for everyone. How many other platforms do you know where you can take a trip down, down, down the Witches' Road, up to Wrexham's STōK Cae Ras, and into a world of Jesse Plemonses al...