The term "Sabbath" comes from the Hebrew word "Shabbat," which means "rest" or "cessation." The Sabbath is observed as a day of rest and worship, a time for spiritual renewal, communal worship, and a break from the regular routines of work. The specific practices associated with the Sab...
Aramaic is a descendant of Hebrew that was widely spoken in the Middle East in the centuries leading up to the birth of Jesus. In fact, Aramaic was Jesus’s native language — the one he used to deliver his teachings to his disciples. It is still spoken by a few scattered communities i...
The knee is the largest joint in the body. Blessing and being blessed are a large part of Christian living. God's first words to Adam and Eve were a blessing to be fruitful and multiply. The Hebrew word pictograph for blessing (barak (בָּרַךְ) shows us more specifica...
Whichever way we choose to refer to God does not change God’s nature, and it is the same with the Holy Spirit. As long as we are in full understanding that the Holy Spirit is a person, a full and complete part of God, that is what matters.
Amish speak a version of German known as Pennsylvania German, or Pennsylvania Dutch. It has some similarities with dialects of German spoken in Europe today. This is their first language. Pennsylvania Dutch, as spoken by the Amish today, includes some En
A state of separation from God; exclusion from God's presence. Hail To precipitate in pellets of ice and hard snow. Hell The abode of the dead in any of various religious traditions, such as the Hebrew Sheol or the Greek Hades; the underworld. Hail To fall like hailstones Condemnations ...
Lisa is a name that is derived from theHebrew "Elisheba," meaning "lily or flower."One reason that Lisa was a popular name in the 1980s and '90s may have been that rock star Elvis Presley named his daughter Lisa Marie. #18. Boy: Scott ...
Lisa is a name that is derived from theHebrew "Elisheba," meaning "lily or flower."One reason that Lisa was a popular name in the 1980s and '90s may have been that rock star Elvis Presley named his daughter Lisa Marie. #18. Boy: Scott ...
Tour Guide Notes : Gazing on the Face of God Lesson 1 – Veritology : What is Truth ?He, WhoInterlinear, Hebrew
aWas she mistaken that the parts of the Hebrew Bible she admired were consonant with the Gospels —— with the idea that God is essentially good —— and that what lay behind those passages more closely resembled what had inspired Plato and Homer than what led to the slaughters contained in...