The Indian education system has had its fair share of criticism. The debate around its effectiveness rages on now and then. However, much of the noise is general and centred on a few issues learning material to infrastructure to instructors. But there are significant gaps in the system that n...
Dolphin, T.: Technology, Globalisation and the Future of Work in Europe Essays on Employment in a digitised economy. Institute for Public Research (2015). Accessed 26 May 2020 ...
16 20th CEO Survey – Japan Territory Cut Making globalisation work for all Changes with globalization and technology Over the past two decades, the world has certainly benefited from globalization. Regional agreements such as EU, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and ASEAN (Association of...
BrandPortfolio‟sRetailerPowerGlobalisationandShorterproductlifecyclesGlobalBrandingGrowthofthemediaValueofBrands–BrandEquity–FamousCocaColaIncident PaymorethanthecompanyisphysicallyworthinassetsBrandExtensionsIdenticalProductsCounterfeiting Whydobrandsmatter?„Relationshipswithmass(market)brandscansoothethe“emptyselves”...
A hurried ‘takeover’ of the East by the West, and then the gradual dismantling of what made the West so special, as well as the positive aspects of the East- all against thedisorienting backdrop of greed-fuelled turbo globalisation, has unsurprisingly left many Germans with a sense of lo...