A git ref is an indirect way of referring to a commit and is a user-friendly alias for a commit hash. Revive seemingly “lost” commits through Git’s reflog.
When you think, “what is a repository GitHub,” it is a storage space or directory that holds all your project’s files and each file’s revision history. The repository helps you communicate and manage your project’s work inside it. Also called “repo,” it can be local to a folder...
Breadcrumbs blog /zh /202006 / what-is-the-mqtt-protocol.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 159 lines (91 loc) · 9.69 KB Raw 随着5G 时代的来临,万物互联的伟大构想正在成为现实。联网的 物联网设备 在2018 年已经达到了 70 亿1,在未来两年,仅智能水电气...
GitOps is based off a Git-based source code management system and hence GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket are natural choices. Note that Bitbucket has floated a GitOps-y approach by the name ofBDDA, pronounced like ‘Buddha’, for “Build-Diff, Deploy-Apply”. ...
When having multiple accounts at one hosting provider, such as GitHub, SmartGit allows you to select which account to use. This choice is remembered as URL-to-account mapping and will be automatically applied to new clones. File Log, Blame, Investigate: Follow copies Sometimes, added files ...
git blame --reverse START is taken as git blame --reverse START..HEAD for convenience. --first-parent Follow only the first parent commit upon seeing a merge commit. This option can be used to determine when a line was introduced to a particular integration branch, rather than when it ...
Microsoft 365 community contributed documentation https://docs.microsoft.com/microsoft-365/community/ - microsoft-365-community/Community/what-is-content-type.md at main · MicrosoftDocs/microsoft-365-community
$ git config [--global] user.name "[name]" $ git config [--global] user.email "[email address]" 三、增加/删除文件 # 添加指定文件到暂存区 $ git add [file1] [file2] # 添加指定目录到暂存区,包括子目录 $ git add [dir] # 添加当前目录的所有文件到暂存区 ...
The GIT backend is implemented using theNGitlibrary, which is a port ofJGitto .NET (detailshere). Improved Version Control Views TheLogandBlamewindows are now integrated in the editor window as alternate views. TheLogview has a new design which makes it easier to browse the history of a pr...
Prettier:It is a code formatter extension available that supports multiple programming languages and can automatically format your code to ensure consistent styles. GitLens:This feature improves the integration of Git by offering comprehensive annotations, blame annotations, and extensive details about code...