iscalledAbiesernestiivar.salouenensis(冷杉),atypeofevergreenfir. “In August,surveyors madeascientificresearchto Zayulagaintocarryouta more professionalsurveyforthegianttreeandregionalbiodiversity.Throughthecombinationofmanual treeclimbingandunmannedaerialvehicles(飞行器),thenewheightofthetreewasmeasuredat 83.4met...
The concept was born when German city planners sought to plant large areas of parkland after World War II in a reproducible way that would need minimal maintenance. Planners created planting mixes that could be used modularly (模块化). In a matrix garden, plants with similar cultural needs are...
GermanscientistshaverecentlyfoundmicroplasticsinArcticsnow. 2 Sadly,thescientists found1,800piecesof microplasticperliterof snow. HowisplasticpollutionreachingtheArctic? Accordingtoscientists.“It?sapparentthatthemajorityofthemicroplasticsinthesnowcomesfromthe air.”Theyfalloffplasticobjectsandaremovedby thewind,ju...
This ancient University began as a large mosque that grew into an Islamic School called The Madrasa. And according to many historians, it is the oldest continually operating university in the world. The institution even awarded degrees according to various levels of study. These included medicine,...
Waldorf education is based on the ideas and teachings of Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian educator and philosopher who opened his first school In Stuttgart, Germany, in 1919. Steiner’s schools focused on “whole child” development, rather than the narrow academic focus popular in German schools at ...
where both called where called where china where do you prefer t where do you think yo where do you work i w where every my heart where existing where good where have all the so where have not where he where i saw you where i will not shew where is dede he said where is home on...
Monitors equipped with FreeSync technology have what’s called a variable refresh rate (or VRR) which matches with the framerate of your AMD graphics card. But let’s turn on the breaks for just one moment. For FreeSync to make sense we need to first understand some foundational concepts. ...
"A Ph.D. in biology may lead to more options down the road than a Ph.D. in German Literature, for example," Huguet says. "If your goal is to teach German at the college level, go for the Ph.D., but understand that your degree may not be particularly useful outside of ...
What Is a Mathematics Major? Math majors study algebra, calculus, geometry and the different equations needed to solve mathematical problems. They also learn how to think and apply that foundation to an array of larger, more complex problems. German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss called mathemati...