43The Old James Bond Is Now Gay? 44Gunshots Fired into Music Star’s Home 45Brad Pitt and George Clooney in Venice 46Nicole Kidman’s “Babygirl” Premiere 47Biopic “Maria” Starring Angelina Jolie 48Celebrities Arriving for Venice Film Fes 49Rock Band Oasis Announces Comeback 50Mariah Carey...
Adam Brody’s Hollywood Heartthrob Journey: From ‘The OC’ to ‘Nobody Wants This’ | ET Vault Unlocked 2:42 Watch Rare George Clooney and Brad Pitt Interviews From 2001 to Now! 21:36 ET Vault Unlocked: George Clooney | Inside His Journey to Global Superstar 8:42 ET Vault ...
This is what we do to ourselves on a daily basis. We weigh ourselves down until we can't even move. And make no mistake, moving is living. Now, I'm gonna set that backpack on fire. What do you want to take out of it? What do ...
George Clooney: Racism Is Our Pandemic And In 400 Years We’ve Yet To Find A Vaccine (huffpost.com 2.1M shares) We Are About To Witness A Rare Planetary Alignment Not Seen In 800 Years (awarenessact.com 1.1M shares) Back to trigram #1 (“Of the year”). Why does this particular th...
Adam Brody’s Hollywood Heartthrob Journey: From ‘The OC’ to ‘Nobody Wants This’ | ET Vault Unlocked 2:42 Watch Rare George Clooney and Brad Pitt Interviews From 2001 to Now! 21:36 ET Vault Unlocked: George Clooney | Inside His Journey to Global Superstar 8:42 ET Vaul...
Wow, is the wellness industrial complex okay? Tough words to hear that you can’t clean-eat your way out of the coffin. But that’s not the point. The point, it would seem for George Clooney, is to be a realist and a family man. It’s pretty nice to know that there is a perso...
Directing is 5-time Tony winner Susan Stroman (The Producers). (smashbroadway.com) March 12, 2025: Good Night, and Good Luck Luck (Official opening is 4/3 at the Winter Garden Theatre, 1634 Broadway) (100 mins., no intermission) This new play, written by and starring George Clooney ...
Clooney described what it was like when he got to the court for the game: We get there, and there's this guy, “Danny A” I think his name is. Danny A is this club kid from New York. And he comes up to me and says, “We played once at Chelsea Piers. I kicked youra**...
30 years are sharing the screen once again, as George Clooney and Brad Pitt star in the crime/thriller/comedyWolfs. To no surprise, there is a lot of buzz around theOcean's Elevenco-stars'2024 new movie, so we've got everything you need to know about how to watch it right now. ...
George Clooney is STILL embarrassed about almost killing the franchise, which Christopher Nolan thankfully revived with Christian Bale at the helm. It's not that Silverstone was bad - the movie was filled with Uma Thurman, George Clooney, Arnold Schwarzenegger and just died under the weight of ...