Introduction – What Is Aniridia: Epidemiology, Clinical Features and Genetic ImplicationsAniridiaPAX6WT1Genetic testAniridia is characterized by congenital hypoplasia of the iris and alterations of other structures of the eye, including cornea, crystalline lens, optic nerve, and retina. Patients suffer...
Digital Epidemiology is a new field that has been growing rapidly in the past few years, fueled by the increasing availability of data and computing power, as well as by breakthroughs in data analytics methods. In this short piece, I provide an outlook of where I see the field heading, and...
Epidemiology and diagnosis of surra (Trypanosoma evansi) in camels - A review Trypanosomosis due to Trypanosoma evansi (surra) is a major enzootic disease of the dromedary camel. Recent surveys have confirmed the widespread occurrenc... N Singh,KML Pathak,R Kumar,... - 《Journal of Camel Pr...
Hattersley AT, McCarthy MI. Genetic Epidemiol- ogy 5: What makes a good genetic association study? The Lancet 2005; 366:1315-1323.Hattersley, A.T. & McCarthy, M.I. (2005) Genetic epidemiology 5: what makes a good genetic association study? Lancet, 366, 1315....
Genome-wide genetic association studies typically start with univariate statistical tests of each marker. In principle, this single-SNP scanning is statistically straightforward - the testing is done with standard methods (e.g. 2 tests, regression) that have been well studied for decades. However, ...
Colonization is the presence of a microorganism in or on a host, with growth and multiplication but without any overt clinical expression or detected immun... WR Jarvis - 《Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology the Official Journal of the Society of Hospital Epidemiologists of America》 ...
In fact, 22.6% or nearly 1 in 4 cases are misdiagnosed, according to a report in Open Epidemiology. “Because mesothelioma is such a rare cancer, it’s common for the diagnosis to either not be established the first time, or to be the wrong diagnosis because it can look like other ...
norovirus; epidemiology; gastroenteritis; clinical features; complications1. Introduction Norovirus (NoV) is a nonenveloped virus with a single-stranded, positive-sense, polyadenylated RNA genome that encodes three major open reading frames (ORFs) [1]. ORF1 encodes a large polyprotein that is ...
Breast cancer in young women is diagnosed in more advanced stages and has more aggressive biological features. To date, there are limited age-specific data for the epidemiology, clinicopathologic characteristics, outcomes, and treatments of breast cancer in young women. Geographic, ethnic, and racial...
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in NK/T-cell Lymphoma, Epidemiology, Biology and Therapy)Download keyboard_arrow_down Browse Figures Versions Notes Simple Summary Intravascular lymphoma is a neoplasm with tumor cells localized exclusively within blood vessel lumina. Most cases ...