ble mesh-Proxy protocol详解(2) 举栗子 ble mesh 中存在一类代理节点(proxy node),其作用是通过GATT,将接受到的数据,发送给mesh 网络中,不具备gatt 能力的设备。 例如:天猫精灵需要wifi 配网,需要获取到wifi 网络的账号和密码,这个时候需要用手机app ,通过bt gatt 连接到天猫精灵,发送数据,然后如果mesh 网络...
Missing from the AD is a Service [5] definition. I think the iBeacon protocol itself has no relationship to the GATT and standard service discovery. If you download RedBearLab's iBeacon program, you'll see that they happen to use the GATT for configuring the advertisement parameters, but ...
In a nutshell, “BlueDroid” is the Android Bluetooth stack implementation, used by the likes of CSR and other third-parties when they want to take advantage of Android’s native Bluetooth support. It replaced the “Blue Z” implementation (Blue Z being a separate Linux Bluetooth protocol stack...