His own children have got into the habit of playing outside now: “We just send them out into the garden and tell them not to come back in for a while.”他自己的孩子现在已经养成了在外面玩的习惯:“我们只要把他们送到花园里去,告诉他们一会儿别再回来。”Summer is upon us.夏天来了。There...
人生如花园Life is like a garden and you reap(收获) what you sow in it. Anything is within your own control. We can plant the positive seeds(种子) or negative ones in this garden. Positive seeds can give us strength and lead us to the other shore of success. Negative seeds, however,...
答案:1.dream2.capital3.garden4.share5.beach 结果一 题目 句于意思或汉语提示写单词。1. -What's your dof life?-I want to be a famous singer.2. Nanjing is the cof Jiangsu.3. My uncle has a new house with a smallgbehind it.4. There's some bread on the plate. Let's sit....
It was this mind-blowing series of improbable events that made Earth the possibly unique life-bearing planet it now is. The idea that Earth may indeed be unique could have been spawned by this famous photo taken on the Apollo 8 mission in 1968.正是这一系列令人兴奋的不可能的事件,使地球成...
water- A liquid that is necessary for life. water moves food to the parts of a plant. Food and water move up stems. space- The area available for use. If there is space, a plant can grow big and strong. soil- S...
WHAT IS SUCCESS成功的内涵 What is success? 成功是什么? To laugh often and love much; 笑口常开,爱心永在, To win the respect of intelligent people 赢得智者的尊重, And the affection of children; 孩子们的爱戴; To earn the approbation(认...
3. 第六段中“The garden of life is not a wide field and it can't accept all things in the world. Therefore, you must be selective when planting.”生命花园不是一个广阔的领域,它不能接受世界上的所有事物。 因此,种植时必须有选择性。可知答案,故选D。4. 本文写作手法, 把人生比作花园。把...
由第六段中“The garden of life is not a wide field and it can't accept all things in the world. Therefore, you must be selective when planting." 可知D正确。 3.D【解析】推理判断题。本文写作手法,把人生比作 花园。把播种、除草、灌溉、施肥、选苗(取舍)等比作人生 都应该经历的各个方面。
I do not know how long life is also forever is what I can only hope you live long enough to finish this happy way of life, I do not know what is the definition of happiness, but always in my heart that, and you with the greatest happiness of my life. ...
As trees turn green, flowers blossom, and the sun shines brightly, everything returns to life. It is a fine time to appreciate the beauty of nature. Strolling outside in spring adds joy to life and promotes a healthy body and mind....