Fusion is the dominant source of energy for stars in the universe. It is also a potential energy source on Earth, if scientists can figure out how to get more energy out of the reaction than it requires to initiate it. When set off in an intentionally uncontrolled chain reaction, nuclear ...
Deuterium-deuterium fusion: Theoretically more promising than deuterium-tritium because of the ease of obtaining the two deuterium atoms and the higher energy yields it would produce, this method is also more challenging because it requires extremely high temperatures to work. Several test nuclear fusio...
If you’re having trouble navigating the neighborhood (metaphor!) between metaphors and similes, here’s how to tell them apart like a boss (simile!).
A labial fusion, also known as a labial adhesion, occurs when the inner lips (labia minor) of thevaginabecome sealed together. This condition is most commonly observed in girls under the age of seven, but it can occur at any age. It is not typically a cause of concern. It is currently...
This trend is expected to continue, meaning that responsive email design will be more important than ever, so make sure you’re segmenting your list based on your subscriber’s device. And don’t forget, you shouldtarget your popups and opt-in forms to your mobile audienceas well!
Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)emerged in the mid-1980s and remain in use. RNNs demonstrated how AI could learn—and be used to automate tasks that depend on—sequential data, that is, information whose sequence contains meaning, such as language, stock market behavior, and web clickstreams...
It’s difficult to get a good Session IPA. It apparently gets its name from being low in alcohol, meaning you can drink a few in a “session”. The issue with these beers is that in order to lower the alcohol percentage, you have to lower the malt while making sure that the hops ...
This is what they call SaaS. Subscription-based model: A Software as a Service also functions on a payments basis meaning that they can be bought by paying once a year or once a month. For small businesses, this is a cost effective and a flexible way to manage tools. Scalability: ...
This creates a short circuit for a fraction of a second between the two poles, meaning that current can then flow. The arc burns between the workpiece and the electrode. This creates the required fusion heat. Via the consumable core wire and the coating, which is also consumable, the ...
The advent of ERP systems allowed companies to centralize and standardize their financial functions. Early automation was rule-based, meaning as a transaction occurred or input was entered, it could be subject to a series of rules for handling. While these systems automate financial processes, they...