PL/SQL:ORACLE对标准SQL语言的扩展 T-SQL:MSSQL对标准SQL语言的扩展 英文定义:InOracledatabasemanagement, PL/SQL is aprocedural languageextension to Structured Query Language (SQL). The purpose of PL/SQL is to combine database language and procedural programming language. The basic unit in PL/SQL ...
PostgreSQL works with nearly all operating systems, furthermore it offers the capability of various databases in one location. For server environments, SQL functions referred to as “Store Procedure” can be used. Additionally, Oracle supports PL/SQL-related languages like PL/pgSQL, PL/Python, PL...
PL/SQL is an extension of SQL that allows developers to combine the power of SQL with procedural statements. Oracle Corporation developed it in the early ’90s. It will enable writing a piece of code, including the SQL query in a block (which is the basic unit of it). It is a high-...
Oracle8iRelease 2 (8.1.6) New Features in Supplied PL/SQL Packages DBMS_BACKUP_RESTORE DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT UTL_INADDR UTL_SMTP UTL_TCP This release included enhancements to the following packages: DBMS_DEBUG DBMS_DISTRIBUTED_TRUST_ADMIN ...
在plsql/developer的命令窗口执行sql脚本 在plsql/developer的命令窗口执行sql脚本的命令是@+路径。 命令窗口,如下: 1.在指定位置创建.sql文件 2-1.输入@,点击回车,选择.sql文件 2-2.或者@加路径
Pick up most any reference book about PL/SQL and you'll read that it is Oracle's "procedural extension to Structured Query Language (SQL)." If that definition doesn't help much, consider what it assumes you know: What a computer "language" is What "procedural" means in this context ...
-1 What is `AS $$` in sql functions? 0 PostgreSQL Trigger Function Syntax after `RETURNS TRIGGER AS` 0 Why the DELIMITER $$ in plpgsql? 783 Insert text with single quotes in PostgreSQL 122 Postgres FOR LOOP 46 Can I make a plpgsql function return an integer without using a variable...
Learn all about PostgreSQL, the open-source, highly stable database system that provides support to different functions of SQL.
What are SQL functions in oracle? There are two types of functions – Single row that operates row by row. Group function operates on multiple rows.. Explain IN, OUT and INOUT in procedures IN, OUT and INOUT are the arguments that are passed to the procedures. IN is a 'read only' arg...
PL/SQL stands for procedural languages extensions to SQL and it's theme is to hold a bunch of SQL statements as a single function and return a single output.PL/SQL is advantageous compared to other programming languages as it is a Oracle proprietary and does not require any external interface...