The freight index in combination with the passenger index gives a company an idea of what happens in terms of shipping and transport within its borders. This is essential not only for safety measures, but also for the progress of the economy. By collecting such data from various sources like...
Discover what logistics is & what it means for businesses. Learn more about the various types & processes with examples.
An introduction to freight shipping methods, requesting quotes, estimating rates, and preparing freight shipments.
Hannon, David
5. Choose the Right Freight Consolidator or Logistics Provider An experienced freight consolidator is crucial for consolidated freight shipping. They can effectively handle the consolidation process and build connections with suppliers and carriers. Consider their network coverage, track record, expertise, ...
BBX shipping caters to a specific type of cargo; that which is unsuitable for containerization due to size, weight, or unconventional shape. This freight includes items like heavy oil and gas equipment, oversized vehicles, and even airplane parts. Essentially, if it's too large, he...
The devanning process is a crucial part of logistics, and the two go hand in hand. By using warehouse management systems, logistics companies can automate the process and make it easier to manage their freight. This way, they can track the locations of containers on-site and in transit, rec...
Text1WhatisLogistics 【Para2】TheimportanceofLogistics(物流的重要性)Sincethebeginningofhumancivilization,there hasbeenthe“move”ofthegoods,soweshouldsay,“logisticsisanythingbutanewbornbaby.”However,whenitcomestomodernlogistics,mostprofessionalsinthebusinessconsideritoneofthemostcompetitiveandexcitingjobs,...
Ocean freight Ground & Rail Freight Contract logistics Project Logistics Solutions Finished Vehicle Logistics solutions CEVA Lead Logistics (CLL) Customs Fiscal Representation ← → Case studies We partner with leaders and specialists across all industries, discover our success stories. ...
freight agents, supply chain managers, transportation analysts, procurement managers, logisticians, and operations managers, among others. A degree in logistics or business administration will be helpful for many roles in logistics—including logistician, a career that is expected to grow much faster th...