These two largest German lignite districts are both located in the southern part of the Northern German lowlands but in opposite regions: In the far west of Germany, the Rhenish district is lain in the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, whereas the Lusatian district is part of the States of Br...
In geography and geology, a cliff is an area of rock which has a general angle defined by the vertical, or nearly vertical. Cliffs are formed by the processes of weathering and erosion, with the effect of gravity. Cleft Split, divided, or partially divided into two A cleft chin Cliff A...
Today, this view is widely seen as outdated. For the last 15 years, much more emphasis has been placed on the provision of ecosystem services, and assessing ecosystem services might be a suitable interdisciplinary approach to validate the success of measures related to the ongoing structural ...
What is spalling? ... There are a number of reasons why spalling occurs including freeze thaw cycling, the expansive effects of Alkali Silica Reaction or exposure to fire. However, the most common cause of spalling isthe corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement bars or steel sections. ...