c. Two haploid secondar FSH and LH act upon the gonads to stimulate, which is the production of gametes. In sexual reproduction, what is the general name for two cells that fuse together to create a 2n cell? a) gametes b) zygotes c) haploids d) spermatogonia Cells that are formed ...
What process produces haploid gametes?Gametes:Gametes are genetically unique cells that are produced for the purpose of sexually producing offspring. Each parent contributes a haploid cell, which combine to form a diploid individual.Answer and Explanation: ...
In certain species of diatoms, auxospores arespecialised cellsthat are produced at key stages in their cell cycle or life history. ... Auxospores can also play a role in sexual reproduction in diatoms, and may be formed after haploid gametes fuse to form a diploid zygote. What color is th...
For this to be possible, both the male and female gametes must possess half as much genetic material as the rest of the cells of the organism. Therefore the spermatozoon is known as ahaploid cell. Haploid cells have half the chromosomes (one of each pair), and in humans this is 23 chro...
two origins are pulled to either pole, and the two termination regions remain near the cell center, where they are the last to be replicated and separated. This means that as replication ends and when segregation is almost complete there will be a dearth of SlmA near mid-cell, at which ...
A haploid sex cell, formed during meiosis, that can combine with another haploid sex cell and produce a diploid fertilized egg: ___ Fill in the blank. A cell that has two copies of each chromosome, one from an egg and one from sperm is known as ___. In...
What is the difference between meiosis 1 and meiosis 2? A haploid sex cell, formed during meiosis, that can combine with another haploid sex cell and produce a diploid fertilized egg: ___ What type of cells results from mitosis? A. one diploid cell B. two haploi...
In what phase of meiosis are haploid nuclei first formed? a. Anaphase I b. Metaphase II c. Telophase II d. Metaphase I e. Telophase I What is diploid? What is haploid? What types of cells are diploid? What types of cells are haploid? What's the difference between mitosis and meiosis...
In moss fertilization, when the egg (archegonia) and sperm (antheridia) unite, the result is a cell called the zygote. Where is the zygote formed? A haploid sex cell, formed during meiosis, that can combine with another haploid sex cell and produce a diplo...
This character is important for maintaining the genetic material of the cell which means it can be maintained from one generation to the next. Answer and Explanation: The correct option: b. diploid, haploid. The correct answer: Mi...