If you're currently paying off a student loan, you may get Form 1098-E in the mail from each of your lenders. Your lenders have to report how much interest you pay annually. Student loan interest can be deductible on federal tax returns, but receiving a
Learn about the IRS 1099 Form: See what it's for, who gets it, how to fix mistakes, the different kinds, and why e-filing makes it easier.
Form 1099-G is sent to you if a federal, state, or local government made payments to you. The most common uses of the 1099-G areto report unemployment compensationand state and local income tax refunds. If you receive a 1099-G, you may need to report some of the information when you...
Form 1096 for State Taxes How To Make Corrections Photo: Dan Rentea / Getty Images IRS Form 1096 is a summary and transmittal tax form that gives the IRS information on the Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498, or W-2G your company sent out to other recipients. Your business need...
1099 forms are crucial to you as an independent contractor. Learn what a 1099 form is and how you can use it to report your income.
Form 1099-INT is a form that reports the interest a person earns from a bank or other savings account to the Internal Revenue...
Money reported on a 1099 form is generally taxable, but not always – for example, you’ll receive a 1099 reporting withdrawals from 529s and HSAs but the money may not be taxable if you used it for eligible expenses. On the other hand, you may receive taxable income that isn...
Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income or Miscellaneous Information, is an IRS form used to report certain types of miscellaneous compensation.
Form W-2Gis a tax form that a gaming facility such as a casino may send if a taxpayer receivedwinnings from gamblingin the prior year.6Students receive a 1098-E statement when they've paid interest on a federal student loan. Students also receive a 1098-T statement reporting college tuitio...
Form 1099 is an informational tax form used to report different types of income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Key Takeaways There are numerous types of 1099 forms, but they all have one thing in common: They report earnings from sources other than salaried or wage employment. Forms...