The SyncfusionFlutter Chartswidget includes functionality for plotting more than 30 chart types. Each chart is easily configured with built-in support for creating stunning visual effects. In this blog post, I’ll quickly introduce the new features included in the Flutter Charts widget for th...
4. Flutter Language: Dart, a thin layer of C/C++ code Purpose: Mobile applications, web applications Flutter is an open source, Dart-based framework for developing mobile and web applications. The framework makes it easy to build applications for any platform and screen. Moreover, developers ca...
All Backendless APIs are available as basic REST APIs and for all of our SDKs, including iOS, Android, and Flutter. Similar to the built-in APIs, Backendless allows you to create your own with Java, JavaScript or Codeless. Backendless automatically generates the API endpoints by inspecting ...
Flutter: Google’s mobile app SDK enables developers to build cross-platform apps using Dart, a client-optimized programming language. With Flutter, developers can build high-performance native iOS, Android, and web apps from a single codebase. ...
Firebase is another trusted MBaaS solution that also comes with a free plan to try and test the features. A Google-approved solution, Firebase powers apps and platforms like Flutter or Shazam. You can take advantage of real-time database updates, crash reporting, cloud storage, and hosting for...
A progressive web app (PWA) is a standard introduced by Google that was eagerly approved by Microsoft and reluctantly adopted by Apple. It has gained massive popularity among global leaders in online technologies. Companies such as Pinterest, Uber, Airbnb, Spotify, Aliexpress, OLX, and Forbes, ...
SB sample link: Waterfall chart Thewaterfall chartshows gradual changes in the quantitative value of an entity that is subjected to changes by increments or decrements. Using the waterfall chart, you...
While for competitive applications native route seems ideal, but for others, hybrid architectures may prove to be a more viable option. The hybrid architecture allows the usage of cross-platform frameworks likeXamarinandFlutter. Sensitive activities inhybrid applicationscan be carried out using native ...
Algolia for Flutter What is InstantSearch.js? Installation Getting started Click and conversion events Upgrade guides Widgets Widgets showcase Customize an existing widget Create your own widgets Change browser defaults for custom search inputs
Flutter wouldn't have StatelessWidget if a function could do the same thing. Similarly, it is mainly directed at public widgets, made to be reused. It doesn't matter as much for private functions made to be used only once – although being aware of this behavior is still good...