But for most other Australians, there isn't much of a difference betweenbrands—Vaxigrip Tetra, Fluarix Tetra, Afluria Quad, FluQuadri, Influvac Tetra—aside from their suitability for different age groups. GPs and pharmacists will generally stock one or two of these brands or whichever their s...
All current influenza vaccines inAustraliacontain four different strains (known as quadrivalent vaccines). One of the strains appeared todisappearduring the COVID pandemic, and the WHO has recentlyrecommendeddropping this strain from the vaccine. It's expected trivalent (three strain) vaccines will bec...
because most of the brand names begin with flu and the nonproprietary names include influenza. One example of an error due to name confusion involve the administration of Fluzone Quadrivalent instead of the intended Fluzone High-Dose
The FDA approved Fluarix Quadrivalent vaccine for vaccination against seasonal influenza in people aged 3 years and older. FDA okays four-strain flu shot 13 October 2010 - In its latest update on influenza situation, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that influenza activity is decreasing in...