For convenience, here is the second example of the documentation: ThemeCopy r = 13; n = 16:365; lx = length(n); x = sin(2*pi*n/153) + cos(2*pi*n/127); plot(0:lx-1,x,'o') hold on y = decimate(x,r,5); stem(lx-1:-r:0,fliplr(y...
One thing is still bothering me (I'll have to think about it some more). In my original example in the Question, I explicitly stated that h(1,1) = h[-2,-2] (parends indicate Matlab indexing, brackets indicate standard signal processing notation), and...
I am using the decimate function y = decimate(x,r) and I need to know to which index in x the value y(i) corresponds. This is not explicitly addressed in the documentation. In the first example the number of points is k*r+1 and according to the ...