On a similar note... What to Do When You Can’t Pay Your Bills What Is a Payday Alternative Loan? What Is Predatory Lending? What Happens If You Don’t Pay Back a Payday Loan? Comparing options? See if you pre-qua...
However, now that I live in Washington State, that commute to Chicago is untenable and I’m excited to share some fresh news: I’ve been cast on the Upfront Theatre’s performance team. The Upfront is the spot in Whatcom County for improv; I’ve been lucky to guest twice before when...
Overtime should be respected and is the law.The laws around domestic workers mandate overtime of 1.5 the hourly rate for hours worked over 40 hours. Throwing a few extra bucks in doesn’t cut it legally. Also, if you decide on a ‘guaranteed’ rate of pay that includes hours over 40 ...