Final Fantasy has completely changed genres, story tones, and as of XVI, is going to be the first rated M game in the franchise’s history. Quite different from the Train Suplex of Final Fantasy VI. lol 2 Reply 26 Ristar24 Tue 25th Apr 2023 I did play the NES games in the 80s on...
please explain to me the logical thinking process behind this buff. this is just stupid and pointless, there are still so many other problem with the gun meta currently in the game: the insanely overstaturated presence of the r301, the EVA-8 braindead ape-like W key while holding mouse...
overclock only in BIOS but it's the same, BIOS updated btw, this error show up after some days i don't used the pc, AI overclock or OC optimizer same results, crash and that access violation error in games, maybe intel trying to hack their users idk lolthat access violatio...
The CPU is off by one when incrementing the RIP register, resulting in the CPU attempting to execute the last byte of the instruction it has executed or the second byte of the instruction it was supposed to execute.(see attached image, the CPU tried to execute...
A friend of mine play Overwatch and Lol since the early days so I can see how it can be fun, off topic but wasn't your nickname Hondahoe? Sorry if it sounds weird it's because the active community members here is rather small and your name was so funny to me that I memorized it...
Okay got it now, it's You Tube not FF. By quoting your post Mark {quote} I could see the actual link and when following that to You Tube I get the same "unavailable" message in You Tube. It is what it is lol. Guess Peter Gabriel does not want his videos seen in Oz as those...
Your comment about bugs in Finder could've written since macOS nee Mac OS X has been around. FTFF (Fix the Fucking Finder) is older than half this website's readership. Sometimes they make good changes and other times it's confusing as to how these issues are still being overlooked as...
What happened?: Lol I don’t think anyone knows?? Three goals from the 82nd minute on sent this one all the way off the rails. Ted Ku-Dipietro is the hero via what was somehow the second-latest winner of the night. Mateusz Klich scored a stunner in his D.C. debut. Tor...
Hopefully they come up with something in the future, but for now best we can do is watch Twitter / roadmap / Tech Community for release updates and blogs.","body@stripHtml({\"removeProcessingText\":false,\"removeSpoilerMarkup\":false,\"removeTocMarkup\":false,\"truncateLeng...