A fever is defined as a body temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher.Normal body temperature is usually 37°C (98.6°F), although it can be about a half degree Celsius higher or lower for some people and that’s normal for them. A fever occurs when your brain sets your body temp...
What temperature, in Fahrenheit, is absolute zero? Temperature: There are various parameters or we can say units that are helpful in expressing wide range of temperature. Some of them are: Fahrenheit, Celsius and kelvin. Answer and Explanation: ...
On the Celsius scale, the degreeCelsius (°C)can mention to a particular temperature to signify a variation between two temperatures or an uncertainty. The temperature mention on the scale shows how much the body is hot or cold, according to that an individual test a fever by measuring the ...
"I have a fever. I think I've the flu." Temperature A measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer. The boiling temperature of pure water is 100 degrees Celsius. The temperature in the room dropped nearly 20 degrees; it went from hot to cold. The most accurate way to...
Celsius and Fahrenheit on a Scale Here, the red line that you see is mercury, which is used to measure the temperature. The moment mercury goes up, it means the temperature is hotter, and when it goes down, it indicates that the temperature is cooler. ...
A person with a fever has a temperature of 102.5°F. What is this temperature in °C? Unit Conversion: The most common form of unit conversion is the one that makes use of dimensional analysis. Here, the operations applied are multiplication and division. ...
If your urine is dark yellow, you might not be drinking enough water. Of course, you need more water when you're exercising; ill with diarrhea, vomiting or fever; or in a hot environment for a long time. Most people can survive only a few days without water, although it depends on ...
When we have the flu, allergic reactions, or COVID-19, we head to our cupboard and pull out our thermometer to take measurements. Temperature is normally calculated in Celsius (C) or Fahrenheit (F). However, what is considered to be normal, low, or high temperature? What could they mean...
If you or your child is experiencing the following symptoms, call your doctor: • Incapability to hold fluids down for one day. • You have been vomiting for over 48 hours. • You’re experiencing a fever over 40 degrees Celsius. ...
If you don't know, here are some suggestions for you.Keep them in mind, and you wil use them one day.1. Check whether you have a fever. You can do it byusing the thermometer. The average body temperature ofa person is about 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degreesFahrenheit), so when your...