Christianity was always a pagan religion started in Egypt 200-300 years before Yeshua ministered as Second Adam. Not one of Yeshua’s disciples were crestianus “christian”). The Roman imperialists saw to it that it ,along with many of the other pagan religions in their wicked empire, were...
Before we delve into how we can know what is considered a sin, let’s first define what sin is. Sin is anything that goes against God’s commands and His character. It is missing the mark of God’s perfect standard and falling short of His glory (Romans 3:23). The Bible provides a...
There is a jagged line which runs from conservative Christianity to anti-semitism to anti-communism which underpins much of fascist writing. But, there is no consistency to fascist ideology, other than to preserve capitalism. Fascism is irrationalism organized to sustain inequality and authoritarianism...
Humility is the mother of many virtues because from it obedience, fear, reverence, patience, modesty, meekness and peace are born. He who is humble easily obeys everyone, fears to offend anyone, is at peace with everyone, is kind with all. — Thomas of Villanova 34 It is often found t...
Sometimes, you need to research the questions and objections to Christianity that a family member has so that you can give them a thorough and detailed set of reasons for why you believe what you believe. Sometimes, you just need to lay hands over a hard-hearted person and ask the Holy ...
This is why the visual narrative offered by the YPG is successful. It gives the left – or presumed such – a subject with which it is easy to empathise. Just as, always on an ideological and communicative level, the images of the Assad military and the “great defender of Christianity”...
That is the word used in the NIV and KJV for “courage” so “we are always of good courage” (2 Corinthians 5:6, ESV) is a statement of certainty. Faith is not blind; it merely sees in other ways. Faith over Fear We all place our faith in something, but as Christians,...
Reviving the study of Greek and Roman history, philosophy and arts,the Renaissance humanists developed an image of “Man” more positive and hopefulthan that of medieval ascetic Christianity: rather than being a miserablesinner awaiting redemption from a pit of fleshly corruption, “Man” was a ...
What is hell really? One of the common fears of human beings is what will happen to them after they die. Many religions teach the general concept that people who are “bad” will be sent to a place called hell after they die. Within mainstream Christianity, there are many different ideas...
☦️ Orthodox Cross Representing Eastern Orthodox Christianity. ☪️ Star and Crescent Symbol of Islam and faith. 🪯 Piñata Representing celebrations and festivities. ☮️ Peace Symbol Denoting peace and non-violence. 🕎 Menorah Symbolizing Judaism and Hanukkah. 🔯 Dotted Six-Pointed ...