One of the key things you greatly require to enjoy God's favour is,you must love God and do His will. In Genesis 39:4, the Bible says: “And Joseph found grace in his sight and served him: and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.” ...
15Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king's chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight...
The noble soul gives as he takes, prompted by the passionate and sensitive instinct of requital, which is at the root of his nature. The notion of "favour" has, INTER PARES, neither significance nor good repute; there may be a sublime way of letting gifts as it were light upon one ...
Fervor is associated therefore with emotions that express themselves in prayer, contemplation, devotion, preaching, in works of art, or the like; ardor, with emotions that express themselves in eager longings, zealous efforts, or the like; as, the fervor of the nun; the ardor of a missionary...
“Though it be dark” has a different meaning than “even when it is not shining.” If you are underground at noon, the sun is shining, but you are in the dark. The sentence about God is the second line, and not the third. I had been pretty confident that this would be the case...
Although the power of the Christian Church is much reduced in the modern world, it still exercises influence. All countries in the worldDiscriminate in favour of at least one religion.Manydiscriminate in favour of Christianity. In particular the Churches still affectmodern moralityand exercise conside...
In the United States, the Bachelor of Laws was also the primary law degree historically, but was phased out in favour of the Juris Doctor degree in the 1960s. Canadian practice followed suit in the first decade of the 21st century, phasing out the Bachelor of Laws for the Juris Doctor. ...
perhaps you should start by clicking on theBible Codes ELS - Introductiontab, and proceed to study this particular webpage carefully before you continue to believe that it is the right thing to do to let others think for you. After all, those who do so, do so, simply to remain above ...
Be ashamed of repeating what you hear, and of betraying secrets. Then you will show proper shame, and will find favour with everyone. Of the
Washington himself in a letter to one Colonel Joseph Reed a few months later would use the “most gracious speech” moniker for this Kingly address, writing, “We are at length favourd with a sight of his Majesty’s most gracious Speech, breathing sentiments of tenderness & compassion for hi...