e.g., Heriseanu et al. [94]. The effectiveness of such IMI in the general population is well documented [39,40,43,45,46]. These may include general lifestyle changes such as sleep hygiene, physical activity and favorable dietary habits...
favorable system of taxation. David, a postman, works between the two regions. His father, who is a hard-line conservative, does not approve of his relationship with Julie, who is from the lower part of the valley. Julie's father, on the other hand, is more open to the new ideas of...
Individual team commitment was assessed with an 8-item measure (α = .96) validated by Bishop and Scott (2000). A sample item is, “I am proud to tell others that I am part of this team.” Leader proactive personality Leaders rated their proactive personality (α = .83) with...
I see nothing in the trend line to make me believe war is less likely than it was months ago, and much to make me believe it is more likely. If one believes war is possible or likely, I believe It is in the interest of the Chinese-American community to distance themselves to the gr...
The R-CHOP immunochemotherapy protocol has been the first-line (1L) standard of care (SOC) for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients for decades and is curative in approximately two-thirds of patients. Numerous randomized phase III trials, most