Biblically, however, the object of faith is not the divine offer but the Person of Jesus Christ. Faith in Him is what saves, not just believing His promises or accepting facts about Him. Saving faith has to be more than accepting facts. Even demons have that kind of faith (James 2...
And co-signing just happens to be one of the most common requests from family members. This is not a great idea for several reasons, the most prominent being that you are risking the well-being of your own household. In effect, co-signing a loan is the same thing as lending money to ...
Whom will you believe? As for me and my family, we choose to believe JESUS. Source: www.zianet.comRespected Messianic Rabbi, Loren Jacobs also correctly states:The human soul is not immortal. The Torah teaches us that in the beginning man was banished from the Garden of Eden and ...
I wrote recentlyherewhat might be the greatest misunderstanding about God and getting saved. Christians often emphasize the main message about God and the Bible is avoiding hell and getting to heaven by saying the sinner’s prayer: “God, forgive me for my sins and thank you for dying on th...
Their reproductive capabilities were certainly valued, but with a role sought for them within a family or kinship structure. There is nothing biblically to indicate that marriage with female slaves was prohibited, or that the children of female slaves were automatically slaves. Finally it will be ...
Scriptural mandates:Is the person a believer who fears God (Proverbs 31:30) and who is biblically eligible for marriage (Mark 10:11-12)? Wisdom:How do they handle their money? (Proverbs 31:16, 18) Is this person a hard worker? (Proverbs 13:4;26:13-15) Do they live an upright lif...
And some of the most Biblically literate people in Jesus’ day were passed over when Jesus was selecting his disciples. You see, the goal is not to know, but to do something with what you know. Today, we are going to take a deep dive the process of spiritual formation and holistic ...
Paul David Tripp suggests that if isolation from the culture (rejection) is on one end of the spectrum, and immersion in the culture (assimilation) is on the other end, then Christians can find a biblically-appropriate place between the two. He calls this place, “redemption interaction.” ...
TheNIrVis used to provide an array of biblically based products for toddlers, beginning readers, and even "tweens." For example, Zonderkidz creates theNIrVLittle Kids Adventure Bible, which includes features and colorful artwork that help those as young as four years old understand what it was ...
What does the name Hayes mean biblically? This family name is a matronymic surname derived from a female ancestor's personal name, in this case of biblical origin. ... Hayes and Hajes are matronymics of the Hebrew feminine name Haya (from Hayyim meaning "life"), indicating "son/descenda...