Fairness means treating things or people in a reasonable, unbiased, and non-discriminatory way. For example, when a teacher grades students, they should use the same standards and rules, and not give high or low scores based on personal likes or dislikes. That's what fairness is about. Just...
That is why we give you some tips on what to monitor in order to keep your account within the fair use of resources: Check your account for PHP scripts that take too long to be executed. To do that go to your Client Area > Services > Manage account > tab Statistics. Running too ...
This factor indicates that the more the market for the creator’s work is harmed, the more likely it is that your use will not be considered fair. For example, if you take a graphic that someone else is trying to make money off of, and you provide it for free on your site, you ...
Distribution resulting in profit is considered piracy. If proven, the courts do not hesitate to punish users. Fair use critics point toward its subjective nature. In addition, courts or arbitrators must navigate through the ambiguities associated with fair use. Prosecutors must prove that a ...
Fair use of such facts and ideas copied from factual work in the public domain, has larger scope than copying of fictional copyrighted work. The scope of fair use is limited when it comes to unpublished works, as the author has the privilege of control over the first public manifestation of...
Here is another example. Are Providers Lying When They Say "Unlimited Data"? Marketers aren't technically lying when they advertise Pocket WiFi plans as having "Unlimited Data" because, technically, you still have internet access and can use data even under restrictions. ...
The vague wording of the copyright doctrine, intended to be interpreted flexibly; The work of the Conference on Fair Use and the Information Infrastructure Task Force; Restrictions existing as of May 1996 on use of copyrighted materials without permission.Crews...
This strategy is motivated by the recognition that in spite of its many attractive features, a tokamak tends to be a low power density device, ultimately translating into large and corresponding expensive reactor. ITER, as it is currently envisaged, is a good example of a large, expensive, ...
For example, showing three seconds of a movie as a joking "reaction" moment in a YouTube video is likely to fall under fair use. But using the climactic moment in a movie, which is the "heart" of the work, might not be fair use since it's substantial to the original film. Photos ...
A major consideration for donating different assets to a charity is the charity’s ability to receive the good. For example, charities must have a brokerage account issued in the entity’s name to process digital transfers of stock ownership. Alternatively, charities may turn away physical, ...