“f14" (on windows) or "fn” + “f12” (on mac). what does scroll lock do? scroll lock allows you to navigate any document using the arrow keys without accidentally moving or scrolling through the page. this is especially helpful when working with long documents as it lets you easily ...
and operating system. On some keyboards there may be an LED indicator for scroll lock, which you can toggle by pressing the "Scroll Lock" key. If you don't have an LED indicator, you can press the combination of “Shift” + “F14" (on Windows) or "fn” + “F12” (on Mac). ...
While UEFI is more advanced and offers extras such as graphical menus, advanced diagnostics, and a secure boot function, it’s not on every computer and may not be for some time. If you use a product that relies on the UEFI tech, however, you are enjoying some of the modern perks that...
noip2 is from dynamic dns service, it's been years since I used it, it's not even listed in the login startup items, I just deleted it, will see if it helps. Reply of 1 What causes "Routined Quit Unexpectedly" on MacBook Pro?Welcome to Apple Support Community A forum where A...
Every event provider must have a unique name on the system.This “Microsoft-Windows-Kernel” is the name of the Windows Kernel event provider. The name reminds users that this specific event provider is made by Microsoft and it is about the Windows Kernel. The “-” acts as a separator a...
On macOS, pressF12or press theOption + Command + JorOption + Command + Ikeys to open the Chrome DevTools menu instead. This will open the Chrome console, with options to move to other Chrome tools at the top of the DevTools menu. ...
Note that the hotkeys could be different on brands of computers. Here is at a list of hotkeys that you can apply to quickly enter UEFI settings:Dell: F2 or F12. HP: ESC or F10. Acer: F2 or Delete. ASUS: F2 or Delete. Lenovo: F1 or F2. MSI: Delete. Toshiba: F2. Samsung:...
You could run the Apple Hardware Test CD that came with your computer, but I think it is more likely a software cause. Still, run the hardware test. Also, from a hardware perspective if you doubled your RAM to 4Gb that would be a nice exercise to see if it extended you Mac's stami...
is a bit vague.I mean, so long as the term "system components" does not refer to communication between a component on my computer and another component on a windows server, somewhere, that's alright, but if the purpose of the service is to allow internet connections that are not ...
If you want to adjust specific sound settings on your computer, you can pressOption + F10(orF11orF12). This is applicable if you have a MacBook with dedicated function keys. However, if you own a 2016-2020 MacBook Pro, you'll need touse the MacBook's Touch Barinstead. ...