What is the Connection Between the Thyroid and Fatigue? Discussion Comments Byanon144277— On Jan 19, 2011 I have a thyroid condition which i know causes fatigue, my levels have been normal for many months now. however, the extreme fatigue and migraines are worse than ever debilitating. doctor...
Malaise refers to an overall feeling ofdiscomfort and lack of well-being. Fatigue is extreme tiredness and lack of energy or motivation for everyday activities. Why do I feel sleepy after waking up? Chances are, your morning grogginess is justsleep inertia, which is a normal part of the w...
Syphilis is a serious infection passed from one person to another through sexual contact. It is caused by a bacteria (germ). You can get syphilis bytouching the blood or sores of a personwho has syphilis, especially sores on the person's mouth, penis, vagina, or anus (the opening to th...
Drained refers to a depletion of energy or resources, often implying a gradual process, while exhausted denotes a state of extreme tiredness, usually from physical or mental exertion.
A.More extreme weathers are to come. B.Climate problems are hard to address. C.Humans are to blame for the heatwaves. D.Causes of heatwaves are to be determined.4. What is the text mainly about? A.The arrival of an unnatural cycle. B.The role of human activities. C.The unpredictabi...
Light-headedness Sweating Shaking Trouble sleeping Feeling faint Extreme tiredness Weakness Causes of Reactive Hypoglycemia The answer isn’t always clear. It’s likely the result of your body making too much insulin after a large, carb-heavy meal. Scientists aren’t sure why, but sometimes your...
And things that used to bring you joy may lose their appeal due to extreme tiredness and weakness due to stress and a nervous breakdown. Change in appetite: When a person is in the middle of a breakdown, they become less motivated with their diet, leading them to skip meals or overeat...
To get you on the level of fighting fatigue with fury, here’s your guide to what it is, how to differentiate if it’s your mind or your muscles that feel off, and the best ways to tackle extreme tiredness. More From Runner's WorldRelated...
Extreme tiredness; Encephalitis (brain inflammation). The US public health body, the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC), warns that those who do recover can suffer serious long-term neurological damage. This includes intellectual impairment, personality disorders, seizures, p...
Primary idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) is a rare sleep disorder that causes extreme tiredness during the day for no clear reason. The word “idiopathic” means there’s no known cause, and “hypersomnia” means excessive sleep. When you have idiopathic hypersomnia, the urge to sleep can happen...