What is the function of the auditory tube? What is the internal auditory meatus? Which part of the ear contains the auditory ossicles? What does the external auditory canal do? What is the external auditory canal? Is the auditory nerve part of the inner ear?
What is the external auditory canal? What does the external auditory canal do? What are the tasks of the auditory system? What occurs in the cochlea of the ear? What is the auditory pathway? What is the function of cilia in the nasal cavity?
Winkler's disease usually presents as3 to 10 mm nodules in the helix or anti helix. We are reporting an unusual presentation of Winkler's disease as a large nodular mass arising from the tragus, nearly occluding the external auditory canal (size about 1.5 x 2.0 cms). What is Polychondritis...
measure the PT depth in a way similar to the actual surgical circumstances, as the surgeon has to drill the bone starting at the level parallel to the short process of the incus to the level parallel to the posterior bony wall of the external auditory canal (EAC) to reach the middle ear...
Thecauseofdermatitisandeczemaisverycomplicated.Itis dividedintointernalcauseandexternalcause.Betweenthe internalandexternalfactorsasprimaryandsecondary,usually contacteachother,synergisticeffect. 1,externalcauses:suchaschemicalagents,cosmetics,spices, dyes,detergents,animaltoxins,eggs,fishandshrimpandmilk ...
external nose, teeth, ears, and chin were no longer essential parts of the human being, and that the tendency of natural selection would lie in the direction of their steady diminution through the coming ages. The brain alone remained a cardinal necessity. Only one other part of the body ha...
One common adaptation is specialized ears, which can vary significantly in size, shape, and structure across species. For example, elephants and rabbits have large external ears that capture and amplify sound waves. This allows them to hear sounds near and far with precision. Seals and whales ha...
The external human ear, called the auricula, or pinna, has various protrusions and depressions surrounding themeatus, theauditory canalopening. Projecting backward over the meatus is a small triangular projection called the tragus, named for the Greek word for “goat” because of its resemblance to...
What is the function of the external auditory canal? Describe the linings and structures of the larynx. What is the function of the stapes in the process of hearing? How does the larynx prevent food from entering the airway when swallowing?
What is the function of the external auditory canal? Describe the circulation of CSF. Describe the spinal meninges. A. What is the function of the articular capsule? B. What is the synovial cavity? C. What is the function of synovial fluid?