(en verb) To exceed in weight; to overbalance; to weigh down. (Drayton) (Hooker) (Mary Shelley)(Webster 1913) undefined English Adjective(wikipedia undefined) (-) Lacking a definition or value. (mathematics, computing) That does not have a meaning and is thus not assigned an interpretation...
Exceed is a synonym of transcend. In transitive terms the difference between transcend and exceedis that transcend is to surpass, as in intensity or power; to excel while exceed is to go beyond (some limit); to surpass, outstrip or transcend. transcend English Verb(en verb) to pass beyond...
The person, company or entity that sells the good or service that is sold abroad is referred to as anexporterand is based in the country of export. The foreign buyer is known as animporter. When a country imports more than it exportsit has a trade deficit. When exports exceed imports it...
Noun ▲ An effort to reach a goal “A number of other researchers have entered thefrayto discover the cognitive structure of everyday concepts, beliefs, theories and explanations.” Verb ▲ To wear away or cause damage through applied friction ...
Part of Speech (动宾式) verb object Proficiency Test Level HSK.v3=7 Word Decomposition 越 yuè to exceed; to climb over; to surpass; the more... the more; generic word for peoples or states of south China or south Asia at different historical periods; abbr. for Vietnam 越南 过 guò ...
What is the deepest that a glacial crevasse can be? Crevasses range in shape from linear to arcuate and in length from metres to kilometres. Their orientation may be in any direction with respect to the glacier flow. The deepest crevasses may exceed30 m.Theoretically, the weight of the ice...
CTA verb for the launch button (“view,”“play,” or “open” ): The CTA verb should be appropriate for the type of App Clip being offered. How to see App Clips Analytics in the App Store Connect? Apple provides analytics on App Clip card views, installations, open rates, sessions, ...
Overdo (verb) – To do something excessively; to exceed the normal limits or what is considered normal.Overdo parts of speech: Verb: I will try not to overdo it by taking on more tasks than I can handle. Verb: They overdid the theatrics, making the play come off as tacky rather ...
Your personal use of the dwelling unit cannot exceed 14 days or 10% of the number of days during the 12-month period that the dwelling unit is rented at a fair rental. Moreover, after successfully swapping one vacation or investment property for another, you can’t immediately convert the ...
Verb ▲ To evade or escape from someone or something, especially by using cunning or skill “The quarry twisted, turned and doubled back at speed in an attempt toeludeits pursuer.” Verb ▲ To fail to be understood by (someone)