What is evidence-based psychotherapy?Question:What is evidence-based psychotherapy?Psychotherapy:Psychotherapy in general is mental health treatment based on a clinical relationship between a client and a therapist. In the early twentieth century, the style of therapy was grounded in the work of Austri...
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is routinely defined as encompassing the tripartite components of...Middleton, Jerry C.Kalogeropoulos, ChristopherDrapeau, MartinCanadian Counselling and Psychotherapy AssociationCanadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (Online)...
What is the goal of psychotherapy? What is individual psychotherapy? What type of therapy is psychoanalysis? How does psychoanalysis help patients? How is cognitive therapy different from rational-emotive therapy? What is evidence-based psychotherapy?
Is Psychotherapy Effective? Psychotherapy has been validated as an effective, evidence-based treatment through numerous randomized controlled trials, which are considered the gold standard for evaluating treatments. The latest clinical practice guidelines from the American Psychiatric Association recommend therapy...
This has raised a good deal of controversy, as some believe that mental health has been used as an excuse by certain criminals to commit heinous crimes and avoid legal consequences. Nonetheless, there is some evidence of a relationship between psychiatric conditions and criminal or viole...
The chapter discusses how involving the family in psychotherapy, especially psychotherapy involving children, intuitively appeals to clinicians. Treatment for the specific disorder chosen requires children to change in contexts that do not necessarily involve their parents. This factor might account for the...
In considering this evidence, we believe a healthy skepticism is in order. One needs to remain open to the possibility that RS-related beliefs and behaviors may influence health, yet one needs empirical evidence based on well-controlled studies that support these claims and conclusions. We hope ...
EVIDENCE-based psychotherapyCHILD psychotherapyANXIETYClient feedback tools allow the therapist to conduct patient-tailored treatments, reducing treatment failures and dropouts. The authors concluded there is currently insufficient evidence to determine the effect of client feedback on the outcomes of ...
Evidence-based policy-making: what is it? how do we get it? [This is an edited version of speech in the ANZSOG/ANU Public Lecture Series, at the Shine Dome... ANZSOG/ANU Public Lecture Series 2009, Canberra, 4 February. Early versions of this paper were presented to an Australian Publi...
Evidence-based social science is the “social engineering” of practical wisdom Even if human beings acquire the “knowledge-of-transforming-the-world” directly and effectively, that knowledge is still only knowledge. As Karl Marx said, “the problem is to change the world.” The deeper reason...