We call the energy gap between conduction and valence as forbidden energy gap. The forbidden energy gap of silicon is 1.1 eV and same for germanium is 0.7 eV. As the forbidden energy gap is quite moderate, an electron in valence band requires a small energy to cross the forbidden energy ga...
Therefore, solving 3D structures of all the proteins in the human proteome has been a ‘Holy Grail’ for the field of structural biology since inception. The current golden standard methods for structural biology are X-Ray crystallography, NMR and cryo-EM. Short comparison summary is presented ...
【题目】What is th e natur e of th e scientific attitude th e attitud e of th e man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry, geolog y. engineering, medicin e or any other science?W e all know that scienc e plays an important r ol e in our societies. ...
What is equipartition theorem physics? The equipartition theorem, also known as the law of equipartition, equipartition of energy or simply equipartition,states that every degree of freedom that appears only quadratically in the total energy has an average energy of ½kBT in thermal equilibrium and...
Sydois a French educational consulting agency that has gamified their error page. When visitors land on Sydo’s 404 message, their cursor becomes a cube that they can use to knock down the letters on the page. Visitors can play this simple physics game, keeping them engaged on the site ...
What's New for Physics Education: Formulas and Quantities26:31 What is New in Mathematica 3-D Graphics21:00 What Else is New in Calculus23:06 webMathematica REST APIs Powering a Web-Based PV Simulation Platform24:35 webMathematica as the Engine to Deliver Homework to Students29:30 ...
In medical practice, both focused shock waves and radial pressure waves are used. Radial pressure waves are often referred to as radial shock waves, although this is not the correct term as used in physics. Shock waves and pressure waves differ not only with regard to their mode of generation...
What is Resonance? Conference paper pp 247–267 Cite this conference paper Advanced Topics in Theoretical Chemical Physics Marc Antonio Chaer Nascimento& Andre Ustavo Horta Barbosa Part of the book series:Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics((PTCP,volume 12))...
While we can rarely see infrared radiation, we can frequently feel it. Hot objects radiate infrared light, which in turn warms us. This is why sitting near a campfire (that radiates infrared energy) can warm you even though the air around you it still cold....
What is frequency in quantum physics? What is the wavelength of an electromagnetic wave? What is the energy of a photon of blue light? Determine the wavelength and frequency for light with energy of 258.6KJ/mol. Calculate the wavelength (in nm) of light which has an energy of 8.37 x 10...