Avenue32 store is a good example of how to send a triggered email to customers. Its welcome email is very elaborate as not only greets customers but also gives them additional information about the brand. Source 3. Build Dynamic, Personalized Content Does your online store use dynamic, ...
How to improve soft skills in customer service teams What are soft skills? Soft skills are the personal attributes and non-technical abilities that allow people… What is natural language understanding (NLU)? Native speakers often bend the grammatical rules of their mother tongue. Their language (...
The EU ETS represents the cornerstone of the EU climate policy framework. While most of the studies focus on the determinants of carbon price, this work wi
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Influencer marketing is now an important part of the digital marketing landscape. In a nutshell, it’s when a brand collaborates with an influencer, celebrity or industry leader on social media to endorse or sponsor a product or service. The statistics speak for themselves as to how powerful...
Follow @shavenk Disclosure: TheStreet's editorial policy prohibits staff editors and reporters from holding positions in any individual stocks. Start Conversation TheStreet Daily Newsletter Sign up today for our free newsletter and you'll receive an exclusive report explaining hedge fund guru Doug Kass...
In summary, while rolling coal is illegal under federal legislation, enforcement varies in Texas. It’s a misdemeanor, but catching offenders red-handed remains a challenge.source: North Central Texas Council of Governments The video below will give you an idea of the attitude behind the rolling...
The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of Grenelle I and Grenelle II laws on financial performance, social performance, and risk-taking in France. The study is focussed on SBF120 (The SBF120 index consists of the 120 largest capitalizations listed on the French Stock Exchange market...
BANKING policyEMISSIONS tradingGOVERNMENT policy on climate changeORGANIZATIONAL performanceOPPORTUNITY costsThis study empirically analyzes factors related to companies' profits from trading emission allowances in the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for the period fro...
E.ON Nextis currently fitting smart meters as part of a regional rollout. If you're particularly interested in getting a smart meter, you canregister your interest with E.ON Nextand it will be in touch to let you know if you're currently eligible to be offered one. If not, E.ON Nex...