Compared to the between R2 in model 1, which focuses on cross-sectional fit in the random-effects model, the R2 of model 2 and 3 is quite close to it. However, it seems that the R2 of model 5 is much lower than the within R2 in model 1, though they both focus on the time ...
(aa)) MSwM1 icStoh1ncitdoaeninatlainivngailnmugeysmt;hyictahliccoalmcpoomnpeonntseonrtsporirmporgimenoigtaelnbitaaslebsaosfeisdoeof liodgeioelsoagniedscaunldtucruesltwurieths ideal values; ((bb)) bMeSlMbi2eeSfclio2seynfcstosatyneisntmatieinsnmgoinsfigdothfeiedathleDeavolaDxvliuoacxelauislce...
ETHExponential Time Hypothesis(computational theory) ETHEntreprise de Travaux Hydrauliques(French: Company of Hydraulic Works; Belgium) ETHEiffel Tower High(Hüsker Dü song) ETHExpected Throughput ETHElat, Israel - Elat(Airport Code) ETHEtagenheizung(German: floor heating) ...
ETH Exponential Time Hypothesis (computational theory) ETH Entreprise de Travaux Hydrauliques (French: Company of Hydraulic Works; Belgium) ETH Eiffel Tower High (Hüsker Dü song) ETH Expected Throughput ETH Elat, Israel - Elat (Airport Code) ETH Etagenheizung (German: floor heating) ETH Emerson...
Eventing is the horse sport usually characterised as the most dangerous of all the modern mainstream equestrian sports [6–8]. It is often described as the triathlon for horses [1,8,9], the ultimate test of horse and rider, based on a military tradition. In fact, the French name of ...
The scientific point-of-view has been increasingly focused on such heterogenous phenomena, yet progress is still in the relatively early stages and much work remains to be done. In this review, we summarize the information regarding bacterial Phase Variation (PV), a mechanism of high-frequency ...
The emerging Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) standard, which provides real-time capabilities in IEEE 802 networks, is one area where EtherCAT is improving communications. New technologies extend the life of legacy networks The signal conditioner provides all the latest automation interfaces to integrate...
First, compared to previous studies, the time period covered by this study is wider. As such, it considers new evidence of both failed and successful attempts to use the Cooperation Mechanisms in Europe. Furthermore, it also explores the future prospects for RES cooperation by considering the ...
That is, individuals with high densities of green cover in their broader neighborhoods are more likely to have better physical health than individuals with high densities of green cover around their homes but low densities of green cover in their broader neighborhoods. It should be noted that for...