Doing what is "right" as opposed to what is "wrong" is: A) the law. B) ethical behavior. C) legal behavior. D) business behavior. What is ethical relativism? What is ethics? What will be an ideal response? Define virtue ethics. ...
16K Dilemmas present us with situations where no solution is appealing. Examine the role of ethical concerns in decision-making through the case studies presented by Lawrence Kohlberg, the first psychologist to research human ethics and reactions when confronted with a dilemma. Related...
Hg Callaway
Ethics is a philosophical branch in which morality (good v. bad) is considered in relation to human behavior. Answer and Explanation: The ethics of sustainability is a moral philosophy that states economic and material pursuits must be checked in relation to environmentalism. That... ...
Responsibility: Responsibility refers to being held accountable for actions or behaviors. It is often based on emotion, knowledge, guidelines, and experience when managing your responsibility. Ethics and social responsibility both deal with how people choose to act when dealing with different situations....
Cultural relativism is the theory that there is no absolute right or wrong; morals, standards, and behaviors vary among different...
Ethical Relativism is the theory that ethical standards and moral values are specific to cultures, societies or groups. Moral Absolutism is the theory that there are some actions which are inherently right or wrong, regardless of their context. Ethnocentric approach is the theory that decisions sh...
Gene theory in biology Paradigm Shift Definition A paradigm shift occurs when one paradigm theory is replaced by another. Here are some examples: Ptolemy’sastronomy giving way to Copernican astronomy Aristotle’s physics (which held that material objects had essential natures that determined their beh...
For it to be a sound moral theory, ethical egoists must demonstrate that theory is systematic, consistent and would create the best possible life. Further, ethical egoists would have to demonstrate that the theory is universal in that it can be applied as means to solve all ethical dilemmas...
Related Three Categories of Ethical Theories It has been said that Socrates was so consumed by ethical theory that he chose to die rather than violate his principles. Ethics can be viewed as a subjective philosophy dealing with right and wrong or good and evil. Ethical implications of any ...