equity research这个行业可以说由格雷厄姆的《证券分析》正式奠定基础,通过对公司的fundamental的分析判断公司的价值,从而给出买卖建议。做 equity research的部门一般是研究部,做equity research的人一般称为analyst,中文可以叫分析师或研究员。 【研究部内部分工】研究部一般有三类分析师,宏观分析师(他们一般被叫做某投行...
做equity research的部门一般是研究部,做equity research的人一般称为analyst,中文可以叫分析师或研究员。 【研究部内部分工】研究部一般有三类分析师,宏观分析师(他们一般被叫做某投行或某证券公司的首席经济学家),策略分析师,和行业分析师。宏观分析师顾名思义,做有关地区国家经济趋势,货币政策等的研究,一个例子...
某些规模较小的买方或卖方也成立了类似的研究部门,它们的收支完全独立,例如Stanford C.Bernstain和Prudential Equity Research就是其中的翘楚。作为一家资产管理公司,Bernstain从第三方研究中赚取的数字相当惊人,在不久的将来,或许它真的将转行成为一家独立研究机构。尽管如此,诚实的第三方研究仍然是偏少的,所以买方内部共...
【what is equity research?】(转)证券分析行业的介绍,什么是分析师、买方、卖方,他们都做什么?此文对当前国内股票投资研究生态环境有非常深入的描述和分析。(@计兮:分享“财税审投融”领域干货、趣事、靠谱的工作机会) k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û...
The asset/equity ratio is one of the standard formulas used to ascertain a company's financial stability. Using the asset/equity...
Therefore, it is imperative that mathematics teacher educators provide opportunities to develop an equity-centered orientation in teacher preparation courses. In this study, we begin to address this issue by identifying what prospective teachers attend to in a classroom situation where a student working...
In this McKinsey Explainer, we explore what diversity, equity, and inclusion is and why successful organizations are actively embracing DE&I.
So, how much does an equity research analyst make on average? Byoscar23— On Jun 01, 2011 I always think of homes and how much equity a person has in their homes when I think of the word ‘equity.’ So, I was a little blown away when I read that an equity analyst specializes in...
Equity research is sometimes viewed as the unglamorous, lower-paid cousin to investment banking. In this article, we compare the two careers.
Steverman, B., 2007. Equity research: What's next. BusinessWeek.com (June 8), http://www.businessweek.com/stories/2007-06-08/equity-research-whats-next-businessweek- business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice.Steverman, B. 2007. Equity Research: What's Next. BusinessWeek 6/8....