What does it mean to get the "heebie-jeebies"? What does demanding mean? What part of speech is bother? Is it true that implicit communication is more informal and not worried about grammar? What part of speech is whereas? What part of speech is the word ennui?
If you say someone is scintillating, thenthey are clever— people want to listen to them. This is a word often used sarcastically. If someone is boring, you might say "Well, that was scintillating," while rolling your eyes. What does perfunctory mean in the lottery? perfunctory.hasty and ...
One modern classic is Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road.” This book is modern—it’s written in a breezy, breathless style, and it’s about cars and ennui and easy morality and vigorous youth. And it’s a classic—it stands the test of time. For many readers, it has a universal appea...
It’s no coincidence that one of the biggest TV comedy phenomena of our time is The Office, which depicts business parks as veritable greenhouses of ennui, the will to live of their inmates ebbing beneath the hum and flicker of fluorescent strip-lighting. It does not have to be like this...
I didn’t deal well with the isolation, the boredom and profound ennui, the mass confusion, the under-exercise and over-snacking, the repetition, the anxiety, the uncertainty, the excessive screen time (Netflix! Zoom!), the retooling of teaching for “blended learning” online, the sometimes...
Is A Scandal in Bohemia a mystery? Who is Dr. Watson in Sherlock Holmes? Was Sherlock Holmes actually Jack the Ripper? In The Hound of the Baskervilles, who are the suspects in the murder of Sir Charles Baskerville? Discuss Sherlock Holmes' ennui in The Red-Headed League. ...
I used to teach English, German and French, and some Russian, and in the last 8 years I changed my teaching role to that of teacher librarian – school librarian or library media specialist in some countries. It seems that the role is so elusive that it’s not consistently defined. So,...
dissolutioncumreconstitution is ‘defamiliarization,’ a blasting away of mental ruts and habits that prevent us from experiencing everything and everyone as they are, miracles of existence in play in many dimensions, rather than as we have come to pigeon-hole and misread them in theennuiof our...
“The Devil Wears Prada” (I’m actually being serious here) – as two aging Frat Pack comedians and the guy who has hosted “Saturday Night Live” the second most times in history go on a trip to fight their ennui by taking a trip in “The Big Year.” Wait, maybe this is a re...
middle-aged ennui? Conversely, I would absolutely watch two hours of Ken just trying to figure out what his own deal is, with help from a bemused Allan. Buddy comedy!? PROMA KHOSLA: You had me at Midge-and-Allan rom-com. What if all the Barbies and Kens go full musical to get ...