Solar energy isrenewable energy. Renewable energy isenergy whose source never runs out. We can never use up the energy source completely. Solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal energy, for example, have renewable sources of energy in a human timescale. The energy from the Sun, in our per...
tools andsystemsis to improve the way humans create, process and sharedataorinformationwith each other. Another is to help them improve their abilities in numerous areas, including business; education; medicine; real-world
technology, and applications of hydrogen energy. Hydrogen is the simplest chemical element, or type ofatom, and an abundance of hydrogen exists within the water on our planet. It is naturally renewed by the water cycle, and when used as fuel, it releases no harmful emissions. For these...
The termEnterprisehas several meanings. 1. A human skill: eagerness to do something new and clever, despite any risks. 2. A business, as in “This is a business enterprise; our aim is to make a profit.” 3. A difficult or important challenge, as in “Her latest enterprise is to swim...
EnergyWhat Electricity Sources Power the World?Published 1 year ago on September 10, 2023 By Chris Dickert Graphics/Design: Sam Parker Subscribe to the Elements free mailing list for more like this ▼Use This Visualization Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Pinterest Email...
It is important to feature a diversity of thought. Nick Skillicorn What is your definition of “innovation”: Turning an idea into a solution that adds value from a customer’s perspective What mistake do companies often make when they talk about it?: They talk about it being a company ...
EMC stands for Electromagnetic compatibility, which means that a device is compatible with (i.e., no interference is caused by) its electromagnetic (EM) environment. It does not emit levels of EM energy that generate electromagnetic interference (EMI) in other devices in the vicinity. ...
An ETF is a tradeable fund, containing many investments, generally organized around a strategy, theme, or exposure. That approach could be tracking a sector of the stock market, like technology or energy; investing in a specific type of bond, like high-yield or municipal; or tracking a mark...
Redditors have speculated thatwhat the actual fuckwas first said in the background on the Canadian stoner comedyTrailer Park Boys.A2002 episode of the show does feature the lineWhat the ah fuck!which viewers may have interpreted aswhat the actual fuck. ...
The idea is to create a measure that will be called Software Carbon Intensity (SCI), which measures how much energy is used (or how much GHG is produced) for a given amount of work. But it’s difficult. “Watts per byte is a key measurement criterion in the networking industry, but ...