While there is no physical aspect to an emotional affair, it can still be highly detrimental to a committed relationship, as itundermines the trustand emotional connection between partners. Emotional affairs can be challenging to identify, but they can have significant consequences on the overall he...
What is emotional contagion and in which respect is it different from affect sharing (empathy)? Social Influence: Social influence is a component of social psychology as we are invested in seeking social assurance or validation by conforming to the behavior of others. We seek v...
These needs include understanding, compassion, validation, empathy, and being treated with dignity and respect. Discover the vital but often overlooked element of self-care with Portia Jackson-Preston’s insightful TEDx talk. Know the missing ingredient for a fulfilled life. What is emotional ...
That is why relationships based solely on physical attraction may not always bring you the joy and recognition you’re looking for. However, once coupled with emotional attraction, these relationships can take you to new levels of validation and fulfillment. This is precisely why you will find ...
OK, now let's get more into the heart of the matter...how to increase your emotional intelligence. What Is Emotional Intelligence In Four Categories? Now we'll go into more depth regarding each of the components of the chart above. This will begin to point you to specific, practical step...
(or persons) other than one's partner. Sinceemotional intimacycan mean different things to different people, it can be confusing to understand when lines are crossed. But having a partner seek an inappropriate emotional connection, comfort or validation with someone else can be devastating—so it...
Learn how to use psychographic segmentation to position your products correctly, so that the right customers can discover them.
Emotional reactivityInvalidationValidationBackground:Theory and research indicate that validation is associated with reductions in negative emotions, whereas invalidation is associated with escalation of negative emotions. However, it remains unclear whether these effects are consistent across emotions, and/or ...
Lack of emotional fulfillment within the current relationship is a common reason. When emotional needs are not met by a partner, individuals may seek comfort, understanding, or validation from someone else. Poor communication in a relationship can also lead to emotional cheating. When partners do ...
It sucks to feel like a hamster running on a wheel—just doing your best to keep up. One of the core problems with feeling overwhelmed is that we’ve got so many tasks and what feels like so little time. But there are ways to get back in control of your time so you can spend it...