Supercrooks– A live-action series to accompany the anime series Netflix released in 2021. The Magic Order– Harry Potter in scale, this series follows elite families with magical abilities. The project was postponed but is believed to be continuing. One Piece Showrunner:Steven Maeda From...
Supercrooks– A live-action series to accompany the anime series Netflix released in 2021. The Magic Order– Harry Potter in scale, this series follows elite families with magical abilities. The project was postponed but is believed to be continuing. My Life With The Walter Boys Showrunner:Mela...
1. Animated Movies and Series: Netflix is home to a wide assortment of animated content that appeals to children and adults alike. From beloved classics to new releases, kids can immerse themselves in colorful worlds and captivating adventures. 2. Educational Shows: Netflix offers a plethora of...
To understand what 4K resolution is, it helps to have some context. You are likely already familiar with high-definition or Full HD. It is the current resolution standard for digital television, Blu-Ray, and most digital video players, such as Netflix. However, you may be less familiar wit...
True to most Apple products, the Apple TV set-up and user interface is smooth and intuitive. Simply plug it in and use the small remote to seamlessly log in to multiple accounts including iTunes, Netflix, Hulu Plus, HBO, the Disney Channel, ESPN, MLB.TV,, NHL GameCenter, MLS...
What is the ‘No, I Can’t Laugh Yet’ trend? This might just be the first trend on this blog that has origins in a Japanese manga series. We have said it before, and we’ll say it again – TikTok trends can be born out of any corner of the Internet. This audio has been cli...
Sign up for Netflix What's new on Netflix in August 2024 (Netflix original series and movies identified in bold) August 1 A Good Girl’s Guide to Murderseason 1:Five years after the murder of a 17-year-old girl in a sleepy English town, one student is determined to uncover the trut...
How much is Fubo TV? Fubo TV, which focuses on live sports, offers plans ranging from $32.99 per month to $89.99 per month. There are four plans to choose from: Essential, Pro, Elite and Latino. The number of c...
(Image credit: Netflix) In Netflix's Hotel del Luna, we follow the eponymous hotel that caters only to ghosts, while the beautiful but ill-tempered CEO is cursed to manage the hotel due to a terrible crime she committed, but cannot remember. As well as this, an elite hotelier gets ...
25. War Machine (2017)Netflix Original Directed by David Michod Starring: Brad Pitt, Daniel Betts, John Magaro Running time: 2h 2min Brad Pitt’s first Netflix Original has just released and is set during the Afghanistan war and loosely based on real events. General Glen McMahon is an over...