When a compound subject consists of one singular and one plural element connected by or or nor, the verb should agree with the element closest to it: Some apple slices or a granola bar is enough to tide Otto over till dinner. Neither a granola bar nor some apple slices are enough to ea...
An element is a substance that cannot be further broken down into smaller substances by chemical means, such as hydrogen (H). The periodic table of elements lists all discovered elements. A compound is a substance made of two or more elements chemically combined and with a consistent composition...
Pure elements such as copper, aluminum, and gold are examples of materials that are not semiconductors. However, some pure elements such as silicon and germanium can be doped to create semiconductors. When a small amount of impurity is added to the pure element, it can create ...
Compound interestis interest that's calculated not just on principal but on previously accrued interest. It was known to ancient civilizations. The Babylonians had a phrase for “interest on interest,” which basically defines the concept. But it wasn't until medieval times that mathematicians star...
When a compound subject consists of one singular and one plural element connected by or or nor, the verb should agree with the element closest to it: Some apple slices or a granola bar is enough to tide Otto over till dinner. Neither a granola bar nor some apple slices are enough to ea...
What is an affix? An affix is officially defined as “a bound inflectional or derivational element, as a prefix, infix, or suffix, added to a base or stem to form a fresh stem or a word, as –ed added to want to form wanted, or im– added to possible to form impossible.” So,...
This is usually to introduce a new element or to show time, space, or direction. How to Use Prepositions Some extremely common examples of prepositions include "in," "on," and "at." Here are other examples of prepositions: Between For Of Off To Until With A preposition is ...
The element zirconium is used in the production of many everyday objects, energy, and even jewelry! Read this lesson to find out how zirconium is...
The main classifications of matter include the categories element and compound, either of which may also be called a substance (which is a less specific term), and mixture, of which there are also many sub-categories.Definition of a (Chemical) Mixture:...
To combine in or form a compound. Alloy To debase by the addition of an inferior element. Compound To come to terms; agree. Alloy A metal that is a combination of two or more elements, at least one of which is a metal. Compound Consisting of two or more substances, ingredients, elemen...